The Purpose of Kendo

The Purpose of Kendo

As with many martial arts, the purpose of Kendo is to develop one’s self. By developing a strong self, the entire world benefits. Click to learn more.
Kendo Tournaments

Kendo Tournaments

From my perspective, Kendo tournaments are about determining how strong your Kendo is. It’s not about winning or losing. It’s about learning about yourself. Click here to learn how to watch a Kendo match.
About Our Dojo

About Our Dojo

The Hayakawa Kendo Club trains at the Welland Martial Arts Centre, 40 Division St., Welland, Ontario. Click here to get directions to the dojo.

You can’t buy Kendo

When you go to a car dealership and buy a car, you’ll drive away with something shiny. When you go to a restaurant and order food, you’ll have a full stomach. When you go to a bank and apply for a mortgage, you’ll get a home. What do you get when you...

With Respect, I Disagree

Seen plentiful times on Facebook, courtesy of Daveswordsofwisdom dot com: “I’m not hot or gorgeous. I don’t have an amazing figure or a flat stomach. I’m far from being considered a model but, I’m me. I eat food, I have curves, I have...

Love in the Dojo

As many of you have heard, either directly or indirectly, I’ve had a “rough” year. Lots of stuff’s gone on in my personal life that needed to be addressed and that was the primary reason I stopped teaching last spring. I’ve gained a few...

Confirming holiday class schedule

As a follow-up to the previous holiday schedule post . . . We will have practice this Saturday (December 28) from 2~4 p.m. in Welland, then go out for sushi afterward. We will NOT have practice on Monday, December 30th. We WILL have practice on Thursday, January 2nd....

Welcome to the real world . . .

I believe there is nothing like Kendo or other full-contact martial arts to bring home the reality that life isn’t fair. I say this because at some point in your martial arts experience, you will think you’re pretty good and you’ll meet someone equal...

Holiday Schedule 2013

Just for people who want to plan ahead . . . at the moment . . . we will be on regular class schedule until (and including) December 19th (Tuesday & Thursday evenings, 7:40 ~ 9:40 p.m.). We will NOT have class Christmas Eve, but will have class on December 26th....